At Juljulia, we strive to provide the best shopping experience for our customers. If you need to cancel an order, please review our cancellation policy below:
1. Order Cancellation Before Shipment
- Time Frame: Orders can be canceled within 1 days of placing the order, provided they have not yet been shipped.
- Process: To cancel your order, log into your Juljulia account, go to 'My Orders', select the order you wish to cancel, and click on the 'Cancel Order' button. Alternatively, you can contact our Customer Support team at
- Refund: If your cancellation request is approved, you will receive a full refund to your original payment method within 7-10 business days.
2. Order Cancellation After Shipment
- Time Frame: Orders that have already been shipped cannot be canceled. However, you may return the item(s) once you receive them.
- Process: Refer to our Return Policy for detailed instructions on how to return items and request a refund.
3. Pre-Order Cancellation
- Time Frame: Pre-orders can be canceled anytime before the product is released and shipped.
- Process: Follow the same steps as for order cancellation before shipment. If the pre-order has been charged or cancelled within 12 hours, you will receive a full refund to your original payment method within 7-10 business days.
4. Special Promotions and Discounted Items
- Terms: Orders placed during special promotions or for discounted items may be subject to specific terms and conditions. Please refer to the promotion details for more information.
- Process: If the promotion allows cancellations, follow the standard cancellation process outlined above.
5. Exceptions
- Personalized and Customized Products: Orders for personalized or customized products cannot be canceled once the production process has started.
6. Contact Information
If you have any questions or need further assistance with the cancellation process, please contact our Customer Support team at:
- Email:
- Phone: +91 98256 92135
Thank you for shopping with Juljulia. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.